Advocacy Advice

Provided energy switching advice to clients facing fuel poverty to 990 households in 2016-17 (relates to Big Energy Saving Network project).

Household Support

Each year 240 tonnes of donated items are brought into Upcycle Birmingham for repair, upcycling and resale.

About Spitfire Services

Spitfire Advice and Support Services is a charity that provides a range of welfare information, support and advice services to enable disadvantaged people to thrive and reach their full potential in life.


  • General information and signposting
  • Money Advice – benefits advice, debt management, ways to save money / reduce outgoings, budgeting
  • Housing – form completion, possession and eviction and support at court if required



  • Resident Community Support.
  • Food Back.
  • General Advice & Support.
  • Volunteering – support and placement matching


We also run a number of community enterprises that help us to generate an income to fund our work as well as create jobs, training and learning opportunities for people in Castle Vale and East Birmingham.

Welcome to Spitfire Services – the new name for Castle Vale TRA

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